Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cole's not so bad moning

Well today is a sad day. My Aunt Kelly, Uncle Corey, Uncle Bryan and my new Uncle Chris left today.   He's going to be my new uncle because he is marrying my Aunt Kelly.  I am sad they left, but, I'm lucky I get to see them this Christmas! My Grandma and Grandpa didn't leave yet so I am happy about that!

p.s Uncle Corey if your reading this today I love you! Plus it's snowing!

Hope you dont get the  flu!

From, Cole


  1. Dear Cole,

    We miss you already. We can't wait to see you in a few weeks for Christmas.

    Stay cool!

    Love, Uncle Corey

    P.S. Give Peyton a hug for me.

  2. If Aunt Kelly is reading this, do you love her too?

  3. Yes Aunt Kelly I love your face too.
