Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A cool day back at school

Hi web friends, Today was a school day and it was raining hard, I'm lucky that I can wait on my front porch for the bus so I didn't get too wet.  Today I learned how to write cursive and my teacher spelled supercalifragilisticexpialidocious because a boy in my class said there was an ow in that word and my teacher wanted to show him it didn't have an ow.  We practiced mental math with means we do math equations in our head and don't work them out on paper.  I went to lunch and had a corn dog, when I told my mom she said "that's not very healthy" I told her it was better than french fries.  I had recess inside so I read a book.  Then I went to gym class and we did stations and tag.  After that I worked on my project during class.  When I came home it was still raining, I hope its sunny tomorrow.  For homework I had a math worksheet and reading a short book about the mayflower.  My dad rented the Sorcerer's Apprentice and it was awesome.
Hope you don't get the flu.

From, Cole

Monday, November 29, 2010

Just a day

Hello everybody, so I lost my tooth last night I tried to wiggle it out but it wouldn't budge so my dad had to pull it out with floss.  At first I was scared but my mom told me to be brave.  It hurt a little, the tooth fairy forgot to take my tooth but left me 5 bucks under my pillow so tonight I am going to do it again. Today I went grocery shopping and I went to the mall for lunch, I also took a nap.  I went to the book store and I got a captain underpants and the wrath of the wicked wedgie woman book, then I went home and watched TV and now I am watching a movie. Tomorrow is a day back at school and I am glad because I get to see my friends.

Hope you don't get the flu.

From, Cole

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The happy day

I'm back. Today was a happy day I had breakfast my breakfast was good toast, cereal, and almost eggs but it was almost lunch time. I ate some potatoes and watched TV.  I also went to Fat Heads and I lost my tooth it hurt but I got some ice cream it was so good.

Hope you don't get the flu.


Look at this

Good morning! This video makes me laugh so hard that I have to run to the bathroom.
Last nght I almost lost my tooth but it didn't feel ready, when my mom tied the floss around my tooth I got nervous so I decided to wait until tonight.  I'll tell you how it turns out.

Hope you don't get the flu.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cole's awesomer day

Hi readers, My day was super cool, for lunch I ate Japaneses food I had crunchy noodles, wonton soup and noodles.  My little brother accidentally hit a friend and gave him a bloody lip. Plus I got to watch a movie called 13 Going on 30 and a TV show called Sponge Bob Square Pants and now I am watching a movie called Home Alone 3.

Also, my fortune today "a good laugh and a good cry both cleanse the mind" when I read it to my Mom she said "what the heck is that supposed to mean?"

Hope you don't get the flu

From, Cole.

Cole's awesome day

Hello again.  My dad works at Best Buy and he's coming soon. Plus we might play Disney Apples to Apples. Right now my mom is vacuuming and later today my Grandma and Grandpa are leaving and we might go to the book store, I want to buy a Captain Underpants book they are hilarious!

Hope you don't get the flu.


Cole's not so bad moning

Well today is a sad day. My Aunt Kelly, Uncle Corey, Uncle Bryan and my new Uncle Chris left today.   He's going to be my new uncle because he is marrying my Aunt Kelly.  I am sad they left, but, I'm lucky I get to see them this Christmas! My Grandma and Grandpa didn't leave yet so I am happy about that!

p.s Uncle Corey if your reading this today I love you! Plus it's snowing!

Hope you dont get the  flu!

From, Cole

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cole's worst night.

I'm back! I had the worst night. Fat Heads said that we had to wait for 2hours. So we went home but we're going to order pizza. And now we are playing Apples to Apples.

Hope you don't get the flu.

From, Cole.

Cole's day

Hi again.  okay now I am going to write about my day. Well I went for a walk and a run and I went to the coffee shop  and got some hot cocoa with Grandma and Grandpa.  Then I came home with my Grandma and Grandpa and I went to the mall. Now I am about to go to Fat Heads.

Hope you don't get the flu.

From, Cole.

This is my blog

Hi. My name is Cole Lambert. I am really excited about this. First I am going to tell you what I like.

I like to dance and sing and my family coming to visit. And now I am going to tell you about my day in my next blog post.

Hope you don't get the flu.

From, Cole